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About Rachel

Rachel is a fourth-generation Christian Scientist. Originally from southern California, she attended The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington after graduating from Principia Upper School in St. Louis, MO. Finishing in 2010 with a Master in Teaching, she began a career in education. In the meantime, she completed Primary Class Instruction in 2012, authorizing her to work as a Christian Science Practitioner for others. After her fourth year of teaching in an elementary classroom, the number of calls for prayerful help she was receiving inspired her to embark on a career of healing full time. She and her husband live in Olympia and enjoy cooking, travel, and kayaking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.


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Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered the method of healing that Jesus used, described Christian Science as “the law of God, the law of good…” This understanding of God as law is the basis of the term Science as applied to Christianity. Since “science” means to know, or knowledge, then Christian Science is the knowledge of the laws governing Christ Jesus’ powerful healing ministry.

About Me

Rachel Schutz is a Christian Science Practitioner living and working in Olympia, Washington. 


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Contact Me

Phone/text: 360-507-2824


Offices: Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle

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